Why Is Information Technology Important?


Did you know that the global business intelligence market will grow to $33.3 billion by 2025? Without information technology, business intelligence wouldn’t exist.

In the digital age, it’s more important than ever for organizations to implement IT practices and strategies.

Why is information technology important? Keep reading to find out.

What Is Information Technology?

Before we can get into why is information technology important, you need to know what information technology (IT) is. IT involves the understanding and application of computers and telecommunications.

These types of telecommunications store, study, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data. It involves a combination of hardware and software. Both perform essential tasks that people need every day.

IT professionals work with businesses to help them understand their technology needs and goals. They show organizations available technology that can perform their required tasks.

They can implement IT in their current setup or create a new setup. Information technology refers to anything related to computing technology, such as:

  • Networking
  • Hardware
  • Software
  • The Internet

It also involves the people working with such technologies. IT consists of three basic parts:

  1. Computational data processing
  2. Decision support
  3. Business Software

Companies have IT departments that manage technical business areas.

Why Is Information Technology Important?

IT aims to help businesses grow and generate the maximum possible output. Every industry and business grows at its own pace. For example, IT support for financial services will be different than support for retail stores.

However, the time taken to grow is minimized through IT developments no matter the industry. These are some of the fields in which IT is utilized:

  • Business
  • Education
  • Finance
  • Healthcare
  • Security

IT needs computer applications to work. Computers connect IT to clients and various companies. Information technology helps businesses run in the right direction to generate expected outcomes.

Benefits of Outsourcing IT

Information technology benefits attract all industries. Turning to a trusted IT service provider can help grow businesses in various ways.

These are the most sought advantages of outsourcing managed IT services:

Predictable Spending

If you invest in IT systems without the help of outsourced professionals, you are likely to spend more or less than what your business needs. Upfront prices are costly but can create a return on investment in the long run if you choose right.

Managed IT service providers operate with fixed monthly rates. This means additional costs like hardware breakdowns, repairs, and maintenance are already included in your operational budget.

If a problem were to unexpectedly occur, it won’t break the bank. Fixed rates offer predictable spending which allows you to better allocate your business budget for other necessities.

Avoid Overhead Costs

Running an in-house IT team is expensive. You have to pay for employee salaries, insurance, businesses, etc.

It not only takes up money to have an in-house team, but it takes time to train staff members to become familiar with existing processes and systems.

When you outsource IT tasks to professionals, you don’t have to worry about enduring any of these problems. You reduce large capital expenditures while adding value to your business.

Managed services can also help you save on:

  • Licensing
  • Consulting
  • Training
  • Emergency repairs

When you sign a labor agreement with an outsourced IT team, you might also benefit from reduced labor fees depending on the company you choose to do business with.

Quick Response Time

Experiencing downtime due to IT problems is not ideal. Your overall business becomes less productive when technical difficulties occur.

To avoid halting production for long, hire outsourced IT teams. These professionals are available 24/7 for support to ensure your team can always be productive.

Because there is no telling when technology will go on the fritz, it’s important to have a team ready to fix all issues as they occur in real-time.

Expertise and Experience

The individuals you hire through managed IT providers are going to be more experienced than individual contractors. Because they are larger businesses, they see more IT issues and add their experiences to their level of expertise.

Outsourcing means onboarding a team with training, qualifications, and certifications specific to your industry. You’ll have access to top-notch IT professionals with skill sets that fit your pain points.

As an added bonus, you’ll receive access to the newest technology on the market. You won’t have to wait long periods of time for training to be complete. New tech can be implemented quickly and smoothly with outsourced IT services.

Proactive Monitoring

Most businesses don’t have the staff to proactively monitor their technology systems. Skilled IT experts will monitor your business technology to catch issues before they escalate into something more serious.

If an issue were to occur, managed IT teams would be quick to respond. Business continuity occurs when there is minimal downtime.

Data Compliance Support

Businesses that are obligated to meet strict data standards and requirements need to have the best IT initiatives.

The standards spell out rules regarding customer privacy, reporting, and financial services. Managed IT providers are well aware of the regulations in their area and can help your business stay compliant.

Data compliance support and cybersecurity support go hand in hand. Part of complying with data laws means having a cybersecurity plan in place to prevent data breaches and other threats.

Managed IT services put security strategies in place to keep your business up to par with security standards.

How to Find the Best IT Providers

You can find a lot of information technology tips online that will help you find the best providers in your area. We will cover some of the factors to look into before hiring a company.

Here’s what you should do:

Gather Referrals

Streamline your search for IT providers by gathering referrals from other businesses that you know and trust. Ask your networking buddies if they have a provider they like.

If you don’t know anyone that outsources IT services, continue your search for referrals online.

You can read through online reviews of the companies you are interested in working with. If you narrow down your list to three or four services, call and ask them for customer referrals.

Take the time to contact each referral and ask important questions like:

  • How long have you worked with the IT company?
  • Is the team professional and knowledgeable?
  • Have you encountered issues? How were the issues resolved?
  • What services do you use?

Jot down the answers to help you get an idea of whether or not an IT service is the right fit for your business.

Check for Relevant Experience

You get the most bang for your buck when you hire an IT company that is relevant to your industry. Working with the same specialist or team of specialists will provide you with a better experience.

Choosing a managed IT provider with a relevant past within your industry increases your success rate of working with them. Ask about specific certifications and training that position them to be experts.

Discuss Response Times

Although we’ve covered that IT services have quick response times, the times can vary from business to business.

To get a solid idea of how much downtime you’ll experience when you come across a technological issue, discuss response times.

The answer will depend on how many clients they help, how many staff members they have, and what the problem is.

An understaffed company that takes on too many clients won’t be able to give you the help you need. If it takes days for them to respond to a support ticket, continue your search elsewhere.

Compare Prices

When choosing something as important as an IT provider, you don’t want to pick the cheapest option. In the field of information technology, you get what you pay for.

Gather quotes from the different providers you are interested in working with. Request copies of their company contract to determine how pricing is calculated.

A service that offers more features is going to be more expensive. However, more features don’t always mean better. Pay for features that will help you solve problems and reach business goals.

Requesting different quotes will help you determine the average cost in the industry. Choose a company that suits your needs and that falls into your budget.

Do You Need Information Technology Services?

So, why is information technology important? IT services act as the foundation of businesses in these digital times.

Information technology establishes better communication, maintains electronic storage, and provides data protection. Simply put, IT protects your business and the customers you have.

If you don’t have a team of IT professionals, consider outsourcing these services to reap all of the benefits in this guide.

For more tips for business, check out the other posts on our blog.