What is a Digital Lock in Singapore?: Everything You Must Know


If you’ve ever been anywhere in Europe, you’ll know what a digital lock is. A digital lock only allows people with the correct password to enter the premises. If you’re a non-resident staying overseas, this is likely something you’ll come across quite often. These are called digital locks because they’re connected to a digital key.

They’re much more secure than traditional locks. And they’re relatively new to Singapore. As they’ve only been around since 2016. However, these digital locks are set to become much more common. And their use is only going to increase in the coming years.

So, what exactly is a digital lock in Singapore? And why are they so popular? Let’s take a look.

How Does a Digital Lock Work?

A digital lock is used for a wide range of purposes. It can be used to control access to an area, such as a building or a room. Or it can be used for security purposes, as the protection of valuable objects. This means that digital locks can help prevent theft, vandalism, and other forms of unwanted intrusion on your property.

Digital locks are also becoming more common as they’re easier and more convenient than traditional physical key systems. They’re faster to set up and install too! Now that we know how digital locks work, let’s take a look at why they’re so popular in Singapore.

Advantages of Using Digital Locks

Although digital locks have only been around for a few years, they’ve actually gained quite a lot of popularity in Singapore and around the world. Here are some of the reasons why you should use digital locks. First of all, digital locks are much more secure than traditional locking mechanisms.

Digital locks are actually 100% electronic and don’t rely on any physical parts or cables to function. They are also operated by fingerprint recognition, so your personal data is never at risk. Digital locks also help to keep your business safe from theft and vandalism because they work similarly to traditional doors that open with a key. So, if the door opens with a code or card instead of a key, it’s harder for someone to break into your business without being noticed.

By using digital locks, you can ensure that people who enter your premises will be who they say they are or have an appropriate access credential. Lastly, as I mentioned before, these locks make it harder for intruders to break into your place without being noticed.

Disadvantages of Using Digital Locks

The only disadvantage of digital locks is that they are not as universal as using traditional locks. This means that some people will find it difficult to use a digital lock and will be reliant on traditional locks instead. But then again, this may also be an advantage for them. Another drawback is that they can’t be used as easily if you’re traveling.

If you’re traveling abroad and want to enter your workplace or home, you have to remember the password in order to gain entry. Which could increase the potential for human error. There are also disadvantages with digital locks in terms of security when compared to traditional locks. The reason is that if the password is compromised, someone can get into the premises without having their own key.

The digital lock has been in place for more than 30 years now and can be found in almost every home appliance. The digital lock has many benefits for consumers, such as convenience, security, and cost savings. In fact, a digital lock is cheaper than a physical lock.

However, there are some disadvantages to using a digital lock. They will not protect against all types of attacks, they cannot protect a device from people without a password and they do not have an easy way to change the password.