Voices From Elders Share Years of Heritage


Elders are the voices that carry knowledge between generations and ensure that heritage is taught, understood, and celebrated over the years.

Every year they are offered a widened opportunity to share their voice at NAIDOC week. This week is a time to focus on the Aboriginal culture and the past through celebration, awards, events, and gathering people together to learn and grow together.

Naidoc Week 2022

Rather than celebrating Australian day, there has been a transformation from the Day of Mourning to a week each year to learn and celebrate the heritage of the area and strive for equality, human rights for all, and a sense of community.

Events that are held will include the voice of the elders and the knowledge that they can pass down to the next generations. Traditionally around the world, it is the job of the elders of any group who pass their knowledge, memories, and experiences to the next generation, and this keeps those experiences alive. In order to appreciate the culture and their heritage, it is necessary to hear these voices and to amplify them through events such as NAIDOC Week.

The awards show in particular spotlights those who have done the most for their community and who have chosen to follow a path that brings improvements to their own areas and for those who live near them or across the country.

To learn the most about NAIDOC Week 2022, the website Australians Together at https://australianstogether.org.au/resources-2/naidocweek/. This site includes details of the 2021 season as well as the goals and intentions of the week each year. Encouraging learning in the classroom by preparing and offering resources and a focused curriculum, the committee offers these resources to any teacher who wants to institute them in their class.

Another way to participate and to show support is to display the posters. Entering the poster competition that chooses the poster design for the year is a great way to get involved, plan or attend an event that is listed on the website, or learn about the history of the week and everything that it stands for. The first week in July, this week runs from July 3 to July 11 and is celebrated across Australia.

There will be community events in almost every town or city, and they will be suitable for the area. Family-friendly gatherings in parks, concerts ending the weekend, and even parades are planned and executed by those who live locally.

The awards show will be held in the focus city each year and acknowledges those who have used their own voice and their time to further the community, to create a unified community that supports everyone, fights for the human rights of everyone, and pushes for equality.

There are awards for elders, for students, and for sports persons who have done the most to further these goals and who use their time and ability to support others in their community.