Top 6 Ways To Grow Your Business with Qr Code Scanner


Are you a company owner or a new entrepreneur? And eager to learn how to optimize your business growth? Then you should know about the Qr code scanner and its useability.

Qr code means ‘quick response code,’ and it is a small tool used to store information about specific products. Over time, Qr code scanners are commencing to integrate into almost all businesses. A Qr code is basically a two-dimensional bar code containing information about a certain product.

It can prove to be a real game-changer for your company. Mentioned below are a few reasons why a Qr code scanner is a good investment for your business.

1) Great Promotion Tool

Qr code is one of the best tools to promote customer interaction and reviews. For example, if you own a restaurant, you can easily add your social media links in the Qr code, and the customers can be offered discounts and deals by leaving a review on your company page.

This initiative can benefit new businesses by providing a reliable customer base. Furthermore, you can easily add the option of ‘call us’ Or ’email us’ in the Qr code. This will make it convenient for the customers to reach you with a single click.

Besides, people will be able to share Qr codes with their friends and family to bring in new customers.

2) Helps To Generate More Leads

Even though Qr codes are traditionally black and white, that is changing with time. So now, you can easily customize your Qr code in any color or design you want. You can even represent your brand through the Qr code logo.

So, get creative, or you can even hire companies like QRlicious to design your company or business’s Qr code for you. Customers are easily attracted to new and different styles. Hence, an innovative Qr code displayed at the front desk will surely intrigue people.

Besides, you can share your new Qr logo on your social media pages and create a buzz in town with people talking about your brand.

3) Provide Ease of Business

Qr codes are the new business tools to promote and sustain a brand as customers love them. Almost everyone in today’s day and age has a smartphone. A smartphone’s camera can act as a portable Qr code scanner.

You must launch the camera app and put the phone over a Qr code to scan it. It is a quick way to look at a product detail, go through a menu list in a restaurant, or pay using your online banking services.

Hence, Qr codes provide exceptional ease of business, and the customers love using them.

4) Helps To Gather Sales Report

In the past, billboards and printing press were the main channels to promote new businesses and attract customers. However, that has changed after companies launched Qr codes in the market. Unlike traditional methods, a Qr code can help companies to track their potency.

It is an electronic code that stores information about the product and its sales. Using this code, you can easily track how much a product sells or how the customers rate it. It is a little ‘sales report’ tool as well.

As all the data is stored via the internet, a Qr code will always be more dependable than billboards.

5) Provides More Information in Lesser Space

A Qr code is hardly a few inches tall, but it can store almost all the information about any product. Once a customer scans a code, all the data then transfers to their phone. Also, it saves physical resources like ink and paper.

Additionally, it saves the hassle of printing and storing business information, menu cards, and product descriptions for your company. A Qr code can easily keep up to 7000 digits of information.

A brand can easily fit all their information in one place by making a Qr code and saving the hassle of keeping business cards and signs.

6) Increase Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

In the social media era, every business is working towards improving its presence on the web and increasing search optimization. A Qr code will help with that as well. It helps increase traffic to searchable objects.

You can further promote sharing of your business socials to increase impressions and likes on the page. For example, the more people talk about a brand, the more google enables it.

Therefore, a Qr code can quickly become your business marketer and can optimize the search engine.


A Qr code is becoming a necessity for businesses, and you should harness its power.

It is a small but effective code that helps businesses thrive and improve by storing customer feedback. All a customer needs is a smartphone with a webcam having a QR code Scanner to access the necessary details on their phone.