This Is How to Take Good Pictures for Instagram


Have you ever wanted to be Instagram famous? If so, it starts with having an attractive profile. It should be clean, cohesive, and eye-catching.

That’s not all, though. You also need to know how to take good pictures for Instagram. After all, photos are what the entire app is centered around!

Whether you have a personal Instagram or business Instagram, you can start taking and posting pictures like a professional. Keep reading this guide to beginning to end.

Consider What Photos Do Well For You

While your photography skills play a role in how nice your photos come out, they’re not the only thing. You also need to share content that your followers like or find relatable. Whether you buy real Instagram likes or gain them naturally, you want to please your audience.

If you’re using a business Instagram account, you can use the built-in analytics feature to determine which of your posts are popular. Otherwise, check which ones get the most likes and comments. Once you know, start sharing more content like your well-liked stuff.

Use a Grid for Alignment

Nowadays, most smartphone cameras come with a grid feature. When enabled, it displays a 3×3 grid on your camera screen. Use it to get the perfect alignment for beautiful pictures.

The grid works well for following the rule-of-thirds. That’s an art principle that involves dividing images into thirds and placing the subject in only one of them. Doing so leads to photos with a balanced composition.

Create Depth With Multiple Layers

One of the best Instagram tips is to use layers when taking pictures. You might have a subject in view, yet place it between objects in the foreground and background. It makes the photo more interesting to look at and guides the viewer’s eyes around it all.

Mixing colors, textures, and shapes creates additional depth. If your phone has a portrait mode, it’ll work well for achieving it.

Take Advantage of the Best Lighting

You don’t know how to use Instagram unless you know about the golden hour. It’s the good time of day for taking photos! It often occurs during the first and last hours of sunlight each day.

During the golden hour, the sun creates a gorgeous golden glow. You can make some stunning posts by taking advantage of it. It’ll transform the selfies on your personal Instagram or the product posts on your business account.

Don’t Put On Too Many Filters

If you want to be Instagram famous, avoid over-editing your photos. Followers don’t like looking at unrealistic pictures and would prefer the truth. Show off your natural beauty or keep the product retouching to a minimum.

Don’t use too many photo filters, either. They can ruin an image’s quality or cause too much distortion.

Remember How to Take Good Pictures for Instagram

Are you trying to improve your Instagram account? Start with the content you’re sharing. Follow this guide on how to take good pictures for Instagram, and your account will grow fast!

Looking for additional Instagram tips? Check out our other articles also.