The Causes of Divorce: An Informative Guide


According to the latest divorce rate trends, there were 630,505 divorces and annulments in 2020.

People may choose to get a divorce for many reasons, from falling out of love to infidelity and more. However, getting a divorce isn’t easy, either emotionally or financially. It’s best to learn about the causes of divorce to either prevent it or to decide if it’s your best option.

Here are some of the most common divorce causes and what you can do if you want to get a divorce.

Growing Apart

Sometimes couples simply grow apart, and there’s nothing you can do about incompatibility. In fact, it’s one of the most common causes of divorce.

Recently, Bill Gates and Melinda Gates divorced after being married for 27 years. It took the world by surprise, but the former couple isn’t alone. Many partners choose to divorce even after decades together.

Past research has shown that more than one in four people getting divorced are over 50 years old.

Sometimes, the reason is that as you age, your goals change. What you want from life and from your partner can change as well. You may both grow apart and decide that divorce is the better option.


An unfaithful spouse is one of the primary reasons for a failed marriage. A partner’s infidelity takes a considerable toll emotionally on the other spouse. In some cases, it’s impossible to repair that fractured trust, especially if it wasn’t the first time they cheated.

In these cases, many people choose to walk away after infidelity.

Walking away and choosing divorce allows that person time to heal and recover.

Lack of Intimacy

Couples may also drift apart when there is a lack of intimacy. In some cases, neglecting intimacy can make couples feel detached and make it difficult to connect physically with their partner.

In the worst cases, the situation can feel more like living with a roommate than a spouse.

Hand holding or kisses goodbye and other gestures of affection all show your appreciation for your partner.

Frequently ignoring your spouse, arguing, or giving them the cold shoulder can cause the relationship to fracture.


There are many types of addictions out there, including gambling, alcohol, or drugs.

Another common reason for divorce is when one partner becomes addicted to something or lets their addiction affect their life and relationship.

For instance, one partner might suffer from alcohol use disorder and have trouble controlling their drinking. Other addictions that can cause a marriage to fall apart include drugs, pornography, and gambling.

If the partner cannot or will not get help for their addiction, divorce may be the best solution.

These Are the Causes of Divorce

While these aren’t the only causes of divorce, they are some of the most common. If you find you can’t repair your marriage and you believe separation or divorce is the best way to heal, then you don’t have to feel guilty.

You might want to consider hiring an attorney to help the process go as smoothly as possible.

For more tips on relationships and family, read some of our other content. We cover a variety of topics to help you make the most of your life.