The Benefits of Data Visualization


Did you know what data visualization is? What is its importance? Learning to do data visualization is an advantage, no matter what your job. Indeed, knowing how to graph data will help you in any type of analysis that you need to do since presenting raw data is not the sexiest thing for your collaborators, nor the easiest.

The benefits of data visualization in business are multiple. Just keep reading!

1) Present the data in an easy-to-understand format

Reading raw data takes time, making extracting the key message from all this “data” more complex. Applying data visualization methods to a set of data can transform it into a graphical and visual representation that is much easier for the human brain to navigate, especially during a presentation where your audience already has enough information to memorize and clarify.

2) Condense an ocean of information

The other obvious advantage of data visualization is the ability to summarize hundreds or even thousands of data through one or more charts. The volume of data is not an obstacle to the data visualization but more a parameter to take into account to know which graphic will be adapted concerning my audience and the key message to convey. Over time, the volume of data to be processed by companies has taken on quite extravagant dimensions. Data visualization helps break down information and simplify its presentation. Different types of information can be very confusing and lead to errors in decision-making. By visualizing various data, they can be more easily understood.

3) Get the key message across to your audience

By using your favorite tool for creating a graphical representation, you can also emphasize the key elements of your visualization. Graphing the important data in your chart helps get the key message across to your audience faster. If visualization alone is not enough (we then speak of storytelling), it is nevertheless an essential step.

4) Discover and clarify emerging trends

Visualizing all your data allows you to quickly detect and understand emerging trends in your company’s products and the market around you. Whether it’s a large company or a simple association, combining data within a graphical representation during a presentation will inevitably make a trend emerge, no matter whether we are comparing information or analyzing the evolution of a curve.

5) Help business decision-makers react intelligently

When presenting your data visualization, the data highlighted in your graphical representation will aim to support the key message that you will convey to your collaborators. Whether by email or during a presentation, you will be able to establish facts based on this data, allowing the company to make the right decisions for the rest of the events.

Highlighting important data is the key to understanding a situation. From the description above we can conclude that data visualization is essential for carrying out important business decisions. Interested in applying data visualization? As a first step, you need to know these types of data visualization.

Thank you for reading and good luck!