Why People Prefer Social Media Applications Over Other Forms Of Entertainment?


There is no perfect source or definition of entertainment. It could be anything. Right from a toddler to a branch of a tree can be a good source of entertainment. Anything that makes us happy or joyful can entertain us. However, as we all know, the world is facing the pandemic of Covid-19. Especially in India, it has become difficult for people to come out of their homes and do activities that can entertain them.

Those days are temporarily gone when we used to chat with our friendly neighbors, visit their house for a cup of tea, or play in parks. Nowadays it is good for people to stay at their house to protect themselves from this deadly pandemic. Now the question of the hour, how does one entertain himself these days. It might seem a vague question, but believe thousands of people are busy finding the best answer to this question.

We do not say that we have answers to all the questions, but we have figured out the best answer to this question. You will get to know about it later in this article. To begin with the discussion, doesn’t it seem like an eternity when you last went to a movie at a cinema hall? This pandemic has shut down everything and cinema halls, malls, etc. are no different.

I have come across many people who are more or like depressed while sitting at their homes. However, what I would say is that these people are not making the best use of everything around them. How does it matter if we cannot watch a movie in a cinema hall? Believe me when I say there are plenty of options for the people to entertain themselves. Among all those options, Social Media Applications have become the need of an hour and are preferred by people over other forms of entertainment.

The Hype Behind Social Media Applications

You must be having an account on a single or multiple social media applications like Facebook, Instagram, Connected India, LinkedIn, and others. All these social media applications have become a hot topic for discussion. The hype behind these applications has contributed to their success which is why you would witness millions of social media users on these applications daily.

Though Social Media applications were not much in a focus during their initial days, their rising popularity made them a relevant topic for the analytics to conduct research work on them. Since then many researchers and analysts all over the world have so far conducted so much researches on these applications. The major focal point of these research works was why these applications have gained so much popularity.

If we talk particularly about India, the country is inhabited by around 70% youth. Being the youngest country in the world, the usage of social media applications in India is slightly higher than in other countries. Since no one can go out to play or watch movies, youngsters are left with no other option than to look at their mobile phones and open these applications.

It does not mean that the pandemic is the only reason behind such a rise in social media users. Various other parameters must be discussed. These are:

Connects The World: Social Media applications like Facebook, Connectd, Instagram, and others connect the entire world. Having an account in these applications allows the users to connect with any person on this planet, the condition being, he/she must be available on the same application.

It does not matter which part of this world you are currently staying in, you just need to be friends with that person, and the rest is a happy friendship. Youngsters have a jolly nature. They love to make friends, chat, and play games with them. Social Media applications allow the users to do all these activities in just one place. Hence this is one of the reasons why social media applications are being preferred over other forms of entertainment.

Variety: The best part of social media applications is that have so many features that allow users to do different kinds of activities.

Right from uploading your images and videos to sharing or expressing your emotions and opinions, Social media applications allow their users to do anything they want. It offers an open space for creativity. If you are creative, you can do an infinite number of things using these applications. You can even funny videos, religious videos, movies, etc. all in one place.

A Vast Consumer Market: As mentioned above, many studies were conducted to understand the importance of social media applications. Among others, various studies gave out results that out of every 10 individuals,  9 users use social media applications to search for a product or service. This is the impact of social media we have been talking about since the very beginning. For this purpose. Social Media Applications offer a huge marketplace to the companies and a platform to promote their products and service on a large scale.

I hope these three points must have explained to you the emerging popularity of social media applications. An average person spends over eight to nine hours on these applications. It could be for any purpose such as watching funny videos, connecting with friends, taking motivation, getting educated, and many more reasons.

When we talk about technology, we talk about its innovation. In this case, it won’t be wrong to say that social media applications are so far the best creation of technology. Nowadays all the applications are coming with an Artificial Intelligence feature that does all the things for the users automatically. These are just a few reasons that have made social media applications popular. There are thousands of more such things that have contributed to the success of these platforms.

Do not forget to share your experience with these applications. Do tell us what things you felt were good and what were bad. We will be happy to discuss them.