Reasons Why New York Is the Best City To Live In


New York is known to be the most happening and fast moving city in the whole world and staying in such a city is a dream for any suburb or small town person. Many people do shift to New York for work or for a better life and do get successful. But it is also essential to understand why it becomes more fun to stay in New York City.

Few Things About Living In New York City

Let us now analyze the reasons how New York gives special happiness to people:

  • The Positive Energy: The New York City has a very vibrant and fast energy which affects all staying there. It is generally the hustle bustle of the city, with loud noises, colorful people and super active life in the city. It is doubtful to find any other city with such spirit and vibrant energy in it. So it always has a positive effect on the people there and also for new comers.
  • In Built Inspiration – The people are very creative mind and with their flowing energy they can inspire anyone coming to the city. One can easily get inspired at any corner or road of the New York City. Be it in the famous Broadway shows or in the suburban area or even while walking on the busy streets. One will surely be inspired by the cities in built inspirational attitude, so one can easily rent a room in New York.
  • Unity in Diversity – The City has people all around the globe, so the diversified culture gives the New York City a vibrant and fresh look. Around eight hundred different languages are been spoken in the city. Every New Yorker derives their own story about the city in their own classic way. So the diversity of the city unites the people together.
  • Happy Go Lucky Neighborhoods – Each of the different neighborhoods in the City has its own story and energy. Few of the famous neighborhoods where one can reside if new are namely St. George, Brooklyn Heights, Bronx’s little Italy, Harlem, Lower East Side, Astoria and Flushing. These neighborhoods are always very welcoming and give a happy vibe to the people new there and for even old residents. Each day becomes a celebration in these neighborhoods with flow of warmth and friendliness.
  • Easy Convenience – All the necessary essentials are at one step distance, so it is an easy convenience place. The grocery stores, the medicine shops, the essential goods shop, galleries, boutiques, you name it and everything is nearby. One does not need to travel long to get their regular needful. Also the city is well connected with train services and buses available at any hour of the day. Be it early morning or late night, even the taxi drivers are super active.
  • The World famous Landmarks – Be it the Empire State Building, St. Patrick Cathedral, The Grand Central Station, The Statue of Liberty, Central Park, these are few of the namely world famous landmarks of the New York City which attracts people all around the globe. Even the residents love to visit these places once a while with their family. The famous Brooklyn Bridge which divides the two parts is also an epic landmark of the city giving it a new cultural diversity.
  • Variety and Opportunity – The city has various opportunities for a person who comes to make their career and can rent a room is New York The fast pacing business hubs are always looking for fresh and new talents to hire for their companies. So in another word New York is also known as the city of opportunities. There is so much variety available in the city and the nearby suburbs that getting bored is not in the dictionary while one resides there. One can easily take a train to the country side and feel fresh and energetic, or can simply visit the central park and amid the lovely trees with a story book and a cup of coffee can spent a chilly afternoon. So the variety of the city gives people an adrenal push to be always active and happy.

So now when you are choosing to stay in New York City you would know that your decision is the best decision to shift to this vibrant city of colors and happiness all in one package.