Plastic Free Straws


The biodegradable paper straws are one solution that is preferable from an environmental standpoint. These straws are made with FSC® certified paper, which originates from plantations that have been carefully managed.

In addition to this, they do not add to the emission of glasshouse gases and may be individualized or branded in a number of distinct ways. Visit our website to know about screw details.

The problem with straws made of plastic is that they tend to become quite hot.

1. An inefficient use of a limited supply of resources

Polypropylene is a by-product of petroleum, and its extraction and refining require a large amount of both energy and natural resources. Polypropylene is the material from which traditional plastic straws are made. It is projected that the desire for convenience on the part of customers will continue to be a driving force behind a growth in demand for single-use food service ware disposables such as straws.

However, in order to satisfy the growing demand for plastic straws, we will need to boost production. This will require the use of resources such as oil and gas, which, in turn, will lead to the depletion of scarce resources as well as the creation of carbon emissions at every stage of the manufacturing process.

2. Used for little more than a few brief minutes before being discarded.

Plastic straws can only be used for a few minutes before they become useless and need to be thrown away since they are over their expiration date. Even if they are able to find their way into the recycling bin, it will be tough to sort them out once they are there. They are not collected very regularly for this reason, and as a result, they often end up in landfills that are already at or near full.

3. It may take up to a few hundred years for the substance to finally decompose.

After being tossed away, it is anticipated that it will take straws five hundred years to decompose completely. In addition, plastic straws do not break down into harmless substances even if they end up in waterways such as rivers and oceans.

Instead, they fragment into very minute particles that are referred to as microplastics once they have been broken down. Microplastics like this are ingested by marine life and ultimately make their way up the food chain (fish consume plastic, and people devour fish).