Is Mango Good For Diabetes? How to Consume It


Mango or Mangifera Indica is a juicy and delicious fruit that is used in various forms in the Indian diet. Mango is a tropical fruit that originated in Asia and then traveled to Africa, the Middle East, and South America. The sweetness of the mango is tempting for taste buds, and due to this, the king of fruits has gained popularity worldwide.

As mango contains loads of natural sugar, the question arises, is mango good for diabetes?’ The dilemma has led many people to believe that if they have diabetes, they cannot consume mango at all. However, there are a few others who consider all fruits as healthy and eat mango with relish, sometimes leading to over-consumption.

So, today, we will focus on is mango good for diabetes and how diabetics can have this fruit safely and add this to the Indian diabetic diet.

The nutrient content of mango

1 cup of mango contains:

  • Carbohydrates: 25 grams
  • Sugars: 22.5 grams
  • Protein: 1.4 grams
  • Fat: 0.6 grams
  • Fiber: 2.6 grams
  • Calories: 99

Mangoes also contain Vitamin A, B6, C, and E and have a high content of copper, folate, magnesium, and potassium.

As the amount of sugar and carbohydrates in the fruit is high, people with diabetes must consume it in moderation.

Glycaemic Index

Another important indicator for the safety of food for diabetes is Glycaemic Index. Food with low glycaemic index release sugar slowly and are considered safe for people with diabetes.

At the same time, food items with high glycaemic index increase blood sugar levels very fast and can lead to sudden spikes in blood glucose levels. The glycaemic index of mango is low (51). This value indicates it is safe to include this fruit in the Indian Diabetic diet.

Best Way to Consume Mango

  • Mango must be consumed in limited amounts to keep blood sugar levels in control. Adding 1-2 slices of mango to the diet is recommended.
  • Do not consume mango in the form of shakes or juice as they have less fiber and increase the risk of uncontrolled blood glucose.
  • Fully ripened mangoes are sweet and increase the risk of increased glucose levels; hence try to avoid fully ripened mangoes.
  • Combine mangoes with the Indian diabetic diet that contains brown rice, whole grains, nuts, lean meat, pulses, and fiber-rich vegetables. Adding mango with other high protein sources in the diet also controls their blood sugar levels.
  • Mangoes contain a high amount of sugar and carbohydrates. So, their consumption must be avoided during dinner as it will be difficult for the body to digest them.

Benefits of Mango for People with Diabetes

  • Mango helps control harmful cholesterol levels (LDL) in the body. Moderate consumption of mango also increases HDL, the good cholesterol in the body.
  • Patients with diabetes are at risk of an uncontrolled increase in blood sugar levels. Consuming mango can lower blood glucose levels, as people eating mangoes are found to have lower fasting blood glucose levels.
  • Obesity is the primary concern for patients diagnosed with diabetes. Obesity increases the chances of developing health-related complications, like heart diseases. But the high amount of fibers and polyphenols in mangoes helps to curb obesity and save us from chronic diseases.
  • A high amount of vitamin C, fiber, and pectin in mango helps to control blood sugar levels.

Additional Benefits of Mango for Overall Health

  • Amylase and fiber content in mango helps improve the digestive system’s functioning.
  • Vitamin A in mango helps improve eyesight and prevent eye-related complications like dry eye and night blindness.
  • Mangoes cleanse the skin, reduce pores, and help attain flawless skin.
  • Eating mango cools down the body and prevents it from heat strokes.
  • Various essential nutrients like vitamin A and vitamin C in mango are beneficial for the immune system.
  • Daily intake of mango also helps to improve concentration and boosts memory.


If you are worried about the question “Is mango good for diabetes?” then the answer to that is a ‘yes’. The low glycaemic index of mango makes it suitable to add to the diet of people with diabetes. The high number of antioxidants and fibers helps control blood sugar and cholesterol levels. But due to high sugar content, people with diabetes should avoid over consumption and only eat this fruit in moderation.

Also, always consult your dietician before adding sugar-rich food or making any significant changes in your diet.