No matter how much you learned or run through mock trials as a student of law, there’s nothing quite like entering the court for your first real-life trial.
You might have read Thomas A. Mauet’s Fundamentals of Trial Techniques and D. Shane Read’s Winning at Trial? But, now is the time for practical preparations, not extensive reading, and we’re here to help!
In this short practical guide, we’ll let you know how to prepare for court with some essential tips and advice. You’ve got all your theories and strategies to mind, now you should concern yourself with the art of implementing them in the proper manner.
Here are the tips.
Form a To-Do List
The first thing you should do to prepare for trial is gain a sense of clarity by writing a to-do list. List out all the tasks you need to complete before the trial along with strict deadlines.
Go down to the very last detail. For instance, list out the legal supplies you will need, and even your lunch arrangements. As well, make it clear which team members are responsible for the different tasks on your list.
And if you’re wondering where to get quality legal supplies, is a no-brainer go-to option.
Go Visit the Courtroom
To gain a better understanding of how the court trial process will happen, go visit the specific court you’ll be appearing in. When you’re preparing evidence for court, you need to understand what’s viable and what’s not in the courtroom.
For instance, some courtrooms are filled with modern technology, allowing you to use digital slideshows among other things. Other courtrooms may be more archaic. In this case, you’ll have to think of ways to best use the environment to best display your evidence, given the limitations.
Evaluate Your Approach
By now you should have developed an approach or theme about what you will say in trial to vouch for your case. It’s now time to evaluate what story you will tell in the courtroom by requestioning its strengths and weaknesses.
You should also now start to consider what your opponent’s strengths and weaknesses are at this stage, much like a game of chess! Also, run through what your opening statement will be, witness examinations, and your closing statement. Ask yourself, do they all fit within the plot I’ve created?
Reassess Your Demonstrative Aids
Demonstrative aids are powerful tools as they give everyone in the courtroom a visual representation of what you’re arguing for. It’s important to double-check that your demonstrative aids are going to have the impact you need when you prepare for a court hearing.
After all, a picture paints a thousand words, does it not? So if your visual components aren’t dynamic and clear enough, go back to the drawing board!
This Is How To Prepare for Court
When asking the question, “how to prepare for court,” there is a mountain of information you could pour through. In the end, however, organization and methodical preparation is going to be the key to any of your success stories. Good luck!
For more useful tips of this nature, venture over to our main blog page.