How To Clean Gold Coins


Did you know that less than 11% of people in the United States own gold?

During economic uncertainty, gold is valuable, but only if it’s in excellent condition.

If you have gold coins that have aged and accumulated dirt, you can get them looking new and discover their value.

Continue reading to learn how to clean gold coins without damaging their integrity!

Gather Supplies

The first step in learning how to clean gold coins is all about preparation.

If you start with the right supplies, you will typically get the results you’re looking for. Aside from your coins, you’ll need a bowl filled with room-temperature water. You will also need dish soap, a rag, a paper towel, and cotton swabs.

You won’t need any chemicals or pre-mixed cleaning solutions since they can damage the gold. This gold coin cleaning advice can prevent you from ruining your coins.

You can buy gold coins online if you are just getting your collection started. Many collectors clean the coins once they arrive so they can get displayed in a case.

Remove Dirt

Removing the surface layers of dirt and grime can speed up the cleaning process.

Using a dry rag, lightly rub the coins to get rid of some of the dirt. You should only do this step if a lot is covering the surface and you can’t see what is underneath. If the coin is fairly clean, you can skip this phase.

Carefully rub away the dirt without scratching the surface. You should move spots you’re using on the rag or clean it off to prevent large debris from scratching the gold. The stubborn layers of dirt will be handled in the next step, so don’t worry if the coin is still coated.

Let the Coins Soak

You must fill your bowl with room-temperature water and mix in a few drops of dish soap.

Let the coins soak in the water and soap mixture for at least 10 minutes to remove the grease and dirt. Make sure that none of the coins are overlapping each other or are too close. You can scatter the coins on the bottom and flip them over after a few minutes. You will begin to see the top layers of grease and dirt lift in the water.

Monitor the water when you flip your coins. If the water is extremely dirty, you should replace it with new water and soap. This will ensure that the cleaning solution is strong and that the debris won’t scratch the coins.

You don’t have to stir the coins in the water, simply let the water and soap do the work.

Remove the Coins

After the coins have soaked for a while, you can remove them from the water.

You should use cotton swabs to gently rub off the dirt. Keep changing to a new cotton scab as each side gets dirty. Continuing to spread the dirt around can scratch the surface of the gold coins.

This step can take a while since you should rub off the dirt until the coin is clean.

If scrubbing isn’t helping anymore, you can soak your coins in the soapy water for a few minutes. This can loosen up the remaining grime.

Rinse & Dry

Once you’re satisfied with the appearance of your gold coins, you must rinse them off with cool and clean water.

Hot water can expose your coins to metal contaminants, so you should avoid tap water. Rinse off the soap and dirty water so that the coin is shining and free of impurities. You can then dry your coins with a soft rag to remove most of the water.

Patting a paper towel on the gold coins will absorb any remaining moisture and help polish the gold. Make sure you pat the coins with the paper towel, rather than rub them since the fibers can scratch the gold.

Stay Away From Chemicals

Whether you have a collector’s coin or you don’t know what’s underneath the dirt, you should stay away from chemicals.

Cleaning solutions contain ingredients that can eat away at the surface of your coins. Many professionals recommend avoiding cleaning coins if you can. Most collectors won’t mind discolorations, they’d prefer those conditions over one that’s scraped.

Even baking soda can be too harsh on gold coins. The abrasive pieces create small lines and scratches. This minor damage can significantly reduce the value of your coins and make your investment meaningless.

Spotting a Fake

As you’re cleaning your gold coins, you might notice some blemishes.

Depending on the blemishes, you could be dealing with a tarnish or even worse, a fake. Real coins will make a “ping” when they get flipped, a fake won’t. After you’re done cleaning your coins, do a flip test to see if you’re dealing with a dud or not.

Another tip in this gold coin cleaning guide is to use acidity after the coins are clean. Fake gold will turn green when acid, like lemon juice, is applied. Make sure you rinse off the coins if you do this test to prevent future damage if they are real.

Do You Know How to Clean Gold Coins Without Scratching Them?

If you’re going to clean your coins, you must learn how to clean gold coins properly.

Using the wrong supplies can damage your big investment. Since gold can easily get damaged, you don’t want to rub abrasive ingredients and materials on them. This is a common mistake people make since they want to remove all of the dirt.

Instead of letting your coins go to waste, take advantage of the power of dish soap. Soapy water can remove most of the grease and dirt, making your coins look good as new.

Make sure you read our blog to learn more about silver and gold coin cleaning so that your investments sparkle!