Hacks to prepare for class 8 maths olympiad


Class 8 is a crucial hour for any student. It is a time to develop their concepts at their best since they are almost close to their first board examination. Many students at this point in time are confused as to which books to choose, how to prepare a timetable, and how to excel in their field of love. They are usually burdened with a lot of questions.

During such a time, it is wise to take part in such competitive examinations, eligible for their age which will eventually lead them towards better preparation, increase their horizon and widen their mindset.

International Mathematics Olympiad sponsored by Science Olympiad Foundation, is a universally acknowledged examination, conducted with the sole purpose of boosting the confidence of the students and, prepare them well for their future endeavours.

Students who are specifically interested in the subject and wish to portray their talent in the field, take part in such examinations. Arranged by primary and secondary level of the school, such exams had proved to be extremely beneficial for students from both primary and secondary sections.

Students in the initial stage have a lot of questions as to how to go about with the preparation. You have come to the right place! Here’s how Olympiad can “happen” in your life.

It is significant to make a routine and stick to it till the end of the examination. Following a strict pattern of lifestyle enables students to remain consistent in their approach. Once the timetable factor has been planned, the next to them is to find out the format of the questions in the Olympiad. It is significant to know the part division and the deciding factor of the exam.

Once the question pattern has been comprehended, students are advised to go through the IMO Maths Olympiad Class 8 Sample Paper 1 available online, download the pdf and work on the sections as per need. Certain online lecturing platforms particularly meant to guide students in their process can be considered while making such preparation. This fastens the confusion regarding many areas and students can easily take a look at those trickiest parts.

“Practice makes a man perfect” and the same is the case with such examinations. The more rigorous and systematic approach one takes in the preparation process, the more able he/she becomes for the examination. It is only through time-bound practice and re-revising the parts already done that one might go a long way.

When in doubt, candidates are suggested to take advice from their concerned school teachers or any tutors for support. Concept clearing forms the basis of the exam, without which one can hardly reach their goal. The students are advised to look into the chapters taught in class 7 since questions are said to be asked from the candidate’s previous classes as well, just to check their seriousness and retention power.

Once done with the core curriculum, students are advised to get handy with books higher than their standard for a better understanding of a system and greater ability to solve an equation. Such techniques will not only help for the current exams but also for future higher-level competitions. Those interested in taking up Science as their plus II stream and later sit for NEET and JEE MAINS, this is the best time to utilize the opportunity.

Olympiad prepares a candidate so holistically that even future problem-solving methods come to one’s fingertips. Questions can be elementary or advanced, students should know the right approach to arrive at the answers. No useless guesswork can help in the process. It is thus, essential to acquaint oneself with all the procedures of Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry.

Getting hold of previous years’ question papers is a vital role in the process. Students should dedicate each day and a particular time for solving each paper with much clarity and understanding.

The parts which still seem unclear should be immediately highlighted and brought to the notice of the tutors. It is constantly been made clear that it is not the standard of the student that matters, however, the clarity of the subject that matters the most.

It is not made for toppers only, even an average student with a high level of understanding can outperform others. Therefore, working with constant dedication and without applying shortcuts to any process and yield great results.

Students in class 8 are already matured, closer to their dreams, and should know how to tackle equations in a unique way to arrive at the correct answer. Solving each question has a unique technique and students should be aware of the same. It is only with the right approach that one can go a long way.

To compete with students internationally is not an easy job, and it is essential to try out everything before the exams so that no kind of twisted question can falter a student. Having some discussion sessions with friends, clearing doubt sessions, speaking with previous years’ Olympiad qualifier can have added advantages for the students new to the process.

The certificate received after the qualification of the exam becomes an asset for many. It helps in getting to the desired university and eases the process of getting into IITs.

The exam is supremely effective from such a point of view. Regular determined work keeps motivating to strive harder for the desired result and keep working until one reaches the zenith. Nothing in this world is unachievable and a student who really wishes to showcase their talent in different fields can benefit from the examination.

With a regular systematic approach, students are well prepared for the Olmpyiads, which in a way boosts the board preparation.

Therefore, it is a win from both sides. It is a great experience to compete with students all over the world and take the initiatives to be one of the top. No wonder, with the conviction and self-confidence, one is going to get through!