7 best tips to get a healthy vision in your 20s


Our eyes work every second when we are awake. That could be a burden to those delicate eye muscles.

Vision problems are not a matter of age. Even in your 20s when your health is supposed to be at its prime, you can develop eye problems.

This is why eye doctors recommend regular eye tests. If you think that these exams are only for people with vision issues, you need to change your mind.

Regular eye exams can surface even the mildest symptoms of severe vision disorders. Even when you enjoy 20/20 vision, it’s crucial to have regular eye exams to preserve your eyesight for years to come.

Tips to healthy eyes

Our eyes do a lot for us every day. Taking some time out to care for them or making some changes in your lifestyle for the sake of your vision should not be a problem. Here are the 7 most effective ways to protect your eyes in your 20s.

Eat foods that support your vision

Giving the right nutrients to your eyes is the most common way to ensure their optimum health.

Choose ingredients that are rich in antioxidants and vitamin A, C or E . Green leafy vegetables give adequate amounts of carotenoids. They protect your eyes against the damaging effects of blue light and prevent the occurrence of age-related macular degeneration.

Do not consume alcohol or unsaturated fats in your diet as may result in the creation of free radicals that harm your macula.

Eating healthy foods is the best way to delay the onset of presbyopia and the need to wear reading glasses.

Cut down screen time

Screen time is the worst for your eyes. In your 20s, you spend a lot of time in front of computers or laptops probably because of your jobs or studies.

But, you must know that your digital screens emit artificial blue light that is extremely undesirable for your eye health. The blue light goes into your eyes and damages the tiny retinal cells.

Cut down screen time as much as possible so that you don’t overstress your eyes. Make sure you wear blue light glasses to dodge the harmful effects of your digital devices.

Get adequate sleep

It’s only when we sleep that our eyes get to take some rest. If you have overworked your eyes with screens and other visually demanding activities, do not forget to give them the rest they deserve.

Sleeping is also essential for your tear glands and the quality of your tears. It lubricates your eyes and gets them ready for the next morning.

Do not smoke

Smoking is dangerous to your eye health. It raises the inflammation levels in your body and triggers a variety of eye conditions including glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.

Smoking increases the level of oxidative stress and puts pressure on the tiny ophthalmic and retinal arteries.

Wear glasses

Even when you don’t need vision correction, you should wear glasses for vision protection. Whenever you are in windy places where there are high chances of dust or debris getting into your eyes, your glasses will protect your eyes.

Not only glasses, but you must also wear sunglasses when you are out on a sunny day. Long term sun exposure can lead to cataracts or macular degeneration that affect your eyesight. Sunglasses for golf block UV light and give you a clear vision even in bright light conditions.

Eye exercises

Regular eye exercises pump up your ocular muscles so they can work for long hours without feeling tired. Eye exercises are easy to do and only demand 5 to 10 minutes of your day.

If you spend a major part of your day on devices, practice vision focusing exercises so that you don’t become shortsighted.

Regular eye exams

Having regular eye checkups is necessary to maintain good vision for a long time. In case of refraction in your vision, make yearly visits to your eye doctor.

Regular eye exams also come in handy when you buy prescription glasses online. When you have an eye test done recently, you can use the prescription to buy new specs with the correct power.

A comprehensive eye exam can even diagnose problems with your general health such as blood pressure or diabetes.

Use all these tips to keep your vision healthy in the long run. Avoid touching or rubbing your eyes and take proper care of them during the flu season.