3 Reasons You Need A Reliable Phone Validation API


You know it’s important to have accurate data from your clients, but do you know how to improve data accuracy rates? Many businesses don’t, and when faced with bad data, they are forced to simply cut their losses. If you’ve done this before, you should know that there’s a better way.

A phone number verification API is a valuable tool that allows businesses to confirm a number’s reachability, carrier, and presence on the Do Not Call registry. These details aren’t just random factoids, though — they can help you prune obsolete data from your listings and focus company resources on the most promising leads. Phone verification is one of the best investments you can make.

Higher Conversion Rates

No matter what industry you do business in, your goal is conversion. You need to turn every prospect into a client and every client into a repeat customer. Boosting your conversion rate is a challenge, but there are a few key strategies that can make it easier, including data verification. Phone and address verification software can help you confirm customer details and ensure that their information is accurate.

This is one of the biggest assets you can cultivate in a campaign to boost conversion rates for one simple reason: it weeds out low-quality information and allows you to focus fully on prospective clients who may close a deal.

Why are higher conversion rates so important in the first place? Even if you have reliable clients and consistent revenue, expansion is the key to sustainability.

The bigger your customer base is, the stronger your business will be. You need to cultivate high-quality leads, and you need reliable data to do so. Bad data can translate directly to lost sales, so it’s imperative that you implement a data management strategy.

Fight Spam & Fraud

Verifying data boost profits and improves conversion rates, but did you know it can also minimize spam? Customers may provide an older email address that’s no longer in use in order to avoid getting email communications. This might not seem like a major problem, but sometimes these email accounts become a so-called “spam trap.”

The account service provider may surveil the account and flag incoming emails as spam, thus putting your emails at risk of a permanent spam label. This can prevent other, legitimate recipients from receiving your emails, and it can jeopardize your reputation, too. Verifying a client’s email address helps prevent this from happening.

Another common problem is the prevalence of fraud. Companies might assume that once payment is received, the risks of a transaction are minimal. On the contrary, there are still many risks that may emerge even if payment appears to be successfully made.

A program like Batch Data can give your business the tools to detect potentially fraudulent transactions, including those that may result in a charge back or those that are made with a compromised payment method.

Take control of your company’s data with the top phone, address, and email verification tool tailored to business owners like you.