Types of Funding for Startups


There are a ton of options available to fund the early-stage startup. starting a business is expensive and there are great ideas to execute in a business. There are different types of funding for startups that help these ideas to grow and the dream of the entrepreneur won’t crush.

Different types of funding for startup

Angel Investing

In the early stages of the business, it is common to procure funding from investors. There are people or founders who may want to invest in some promising startups.

The investor invests as initial or growth capital and becomes a stakeholder in the company. The agreement of funding in startups is more flexible than investing in venture capital.

Angel investors are the individuals who invest in the startup as the stakeholders and their way of working may vary from each other.


Bootstrap is the type of funding for the startup via personal funds with the use of credit cards or savings. A lot of companies follow bootstrapping by saving money and use it as a source of funding for startups. The owner who saves money to use it in business expansion and enhance their product without an investor’s help.

In case they feel they need additional help to apply for a bank loan or other types of funding for a startup.

Accelerator and Incubator

Accelerator and incubator provide different types of funding for startups according to the needs of the business. An Accelerator offers small and essential mentoring along with a small investment of about one to four months.

Incubator provides an environment for entrepreneurs to develop their ideas and is sponsored by universities, economic development organizations, or the government. Incubators have low rigid time than an accelerator, no proper instruction, and don’t offer capital.

Companies spend years in Incubators to develop their products whereas in accelerators they leave in weeks. Incubators provide office space at low cost and collaboration with other innovators while accelerators provide instructions and training.

Joining both the institute is one of the best types of funding for startups and establishes credibility in the market.

Seed Funding

Another type of funding for startups is recalled seed funding to start and grow a business. Seed funding is the initial funding for financing the company in exchange for equity of the company.

It has vital differences for funding rounds to analyze newspaper headlines related to types of funding for startups.

Every round is a stepping stone to execute an idea into great business opportunities and help in becoming a public listed company through Initial Public Offering.

Bank Loan

It is the traditional type of funding for startups to kick start a business but it is challenging to get the approval for the bank loan to start a business. Banks need to ensure the accuracy and feasibility of the business plan to tackle the challenges that may arise in the business.

The benefits of taking bank loans include financial options available at potentially lower rates and banks don’t ask for shares unlike venture Capital and angel investors.


Startups can explore the concept of the startup and validate their idea and can approach grants. A grant refers to the money that doesn’t require the share transfer, grants vary from country to country and are the best type of funding for a startup for initial days.

The different types of grants for startups in initial days and cover a specific project of the company to raise capital.

Venture Capital.

Venture capital firms invest in startups for high growth and return on equity. Venture capital has many advantages over bootstrapping or loan from banks, it offers expert mentorship to develop the business.

Venture capital provides credibility to the business and open doors for further investors and future partners. There are some venture capital firms across the globe as a sort of hybrid between a startup and a firm.


There are different types of funding for startups that allows the entrepreneur to live up to his dream and expand the company. They provide funding according to the time period required by the owner and also provide support and training to operate the business efficiently.

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