The Ultimate Guide to the Different Types of Two-Way Radios


Did you know that people are stocking up on communication radios and resources in case of power grid failures?

Since most radios don’t require an internet connection or phone service, you can immediately connect with others.

If you want to be prepared, or just want to explore more about radios, there are a few you should know about.

Keep reading to discover the different types of two-way radios and what each kind is typically used for!

Ham Radio

One of the most common two-way radios people buy is amateur radio service or ham radios.

Ham radios are typically used for hobbies and personal use. These radios operate on VHF, HF, and UHF frequencies. You can use morse code, videos, and voice communication. Depending on the ham radio you get, you may also be able to send data and photographs!

You can use ham communication radios in a walkie-talkie form, mobile rig, or at a base station. Remember that you’ll need a license to communicate on ham radios, but there is no age limit.

Citizen’s Band Radio

Many two-way radios require licenses to operate and are only permitted for certain uses.

If you need a two-way radio for personal reasons or business, CB radios are recommended. Citizen’s band radios operate on 40 channels, either AM mode or Single SideBand mode.

The great thing about these radios is that there isn’t an age limit or license needed to operate them. CB radios gained a lot of popularity in the 1970s, and although they are still around, they’ve been replaced with other means of communication.

Air Band Radio

If you enjoy flying through the skies, you may be familiar with air band radios.

VHF air band radios are meant for communicating at high altitudes. These are the perfect solution for outdoor communication and will help you connect with people on the ground. Aviation radios use air band tech domestically.

Unless you plan to use your air band radio outside the United States border, no license is necessary. If you don’t know how to buy two-way radios for your aviation recreation, there are resources to help.

Marine Radio Service

Marine band radios are similar to air bands, however, they are meant for people to communicate on water.

Seafaring vessels, no matter how big or small, use this radio to notify others about warnings or to get help. Routine contact is also common between boats, marinas, and emergency distress operators. Marine radios use VHF frequencies and can operate with 1 to 25 watts.

Which Two-Way Radios Will You Try?

Learning about the types of two-way radios can help you find the most suitable option for your hobby or career.

Having multiple radio options can help in times of distress. You can connect with people whether you’re miles high in the sky or floating on your boat. Fears of power outages can disrupt the ability to use cell phones and computers, but radios will still be useful.

Think about how you can prepare your family and keep them safe with reliable communication.

If you want to learn more about communication options and technology, read our blog for the latest info!