Ride the Wave: 8 Tips for Choosing the Best Wetsuit for Surfing


It’s a glorious day out at the beach. Waves are rolling in, and you have your surfboard ready to go. There’s only one problem–you forgot to pack a wetsuit.

Whether it’s for recreational surfing or cold-water surfing, you need to know what wetsuit to choose. If the water is too cold, you’ll never get the chance to catch that wave.

Read on to learn eight tips for choosing the best wetsuit for surfing!

1. Consider Your Budget

Consider your budget when choosing a wetsuit for surfing. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to get a good quality wetsuit. There are plenty of affordable options that will keep you warm and dry while you’re surfing.

However, if you plan on surfing in cold water, you may need to invest in a more expensive wetsuit. If you’re just starting, it’s probably best to start with a less expensive wetsuit and upgrade as you become more experienced.

2. Consider the Water and Air Temperature

Your wetsuit selection should take into account both the water and air temperatures. In general, a 3/2mm wetsuit is best for average water temperatures of 60-75 degrees F.

For water temperatures of 55 degrees and below, you’ll need a thicker wetsuit, such as a 4/3mm. And for water temperatures of 80 degrees and above, a thinner wetsuit, such as a 2mm, may be all you need.

But don’t forget to factor in the air temperature. If it’s quite warm out, you may be comfortable in a thinner wetsuit even if the water is on the cooler side. Conversely, if it’s chilly out, you may need a thicker wetsuit even if the water is relatively warm.

3. Consider the Wetsuit Material

Wetsuit material is an important factor to consider when choosing the best wetsuit for surfing. There are three main types of wetsuit materials: neoprene, nylon, and Lycra.

Neoprene is the most common type of material used in wetsuits. It is lightweight, durable, and provides good insulation.

Nylon is another common type of material used in wetsuits. It is less durable than neoprene but is more affordable.

Lycra is the least common type of material used in wetsuits. It is lightweight and provides good insulation, but it is not as durable as neoprene or nylon.

4. Consider the Style When Looking for the Best Wetsuit for Surfing

When it comes to choosing the best wetsuit for surfing, style is an important consideration. There are a few different styles of wetsuits on the market, and each has its advantages and disadvantages.

The most popular style of wetsuit is the full suit, which offers the most coverage and protection from the elements. However, full suits can be bulky and uncomfortable in warm conditions.

If you’re purely a fair-weather surfer, a spring suit or rash guard might be a better option. Spring suits offer less coverage than full suits, but they’re more comfortable in warm conditions. Rash guards are even less bulky, and they offer excellent UV protection.

5. Consider the Fit of the Wetsuit

A wetsuit should fit snugly and comfortably against the skin to work properly. There should be no excessive bagginess or wrinkling, as this can cause the suit to rub and chafe the skin.

The suit should also not be too tight, as this can restrict movement and make it difficult to breathe. Ultimately, the best way to determine the perfect fit is to try on a variety of suits and find the one that feels the most comfortable.

6. Compare Prices Between Sellers

When looking to buy a wetsuit, it is important to compare prices between sellers to get the best deal. By comparing prices, you can ensure that you are getting the wetsuit that you want at the best possible price. There are a few things to keep in mind when comparing prices between sellers.

First, make sure that you are comparing apples to apples. That is, make sure that the wetsuits you are comparing are of the same size, style, and material.

Second, take into account the seller’s reputation. A seller with a good reputation is likely to sell you a quality wetsuit at a fair price.

Finally, be sure to factor in shipping costs when comparing prices. The seller with the lowest price may not always be the best deal when shipping is taken into consideration.

When you take the time to compare prices between sellers, you are more likely to get the best possible deal on the wetsuit that you want.

7. Go for Trusted Brands

There are a lot of wetsuits on the market and it can be tough to decide which one is the best for surfing. However, it is important to trust the brands when making this decision.

The best wetsuits are made by companies who have a lot of experience in the industry and know what works best for surfing. They use the latest technology and materials to make sure that their wetsuits are as effective as possible.

Additionally, they also test their products extensively to make sure that they meet the needs of surfers. So when you are looking for the best wetsuit for surfing, make sure to trust the brands.

8. Check Reviews

When researching what wetsuit is best for surfing, be sure to check reviews. Reviews can give you an idea of what other people liked or disliked about a certain wetsuit.

It can also give you an idea of whether the sizes posted in the online shops are legit. Checking reviews before buying a surfing wetsuit can help you get the best deals.

Find the Best Wetsuit and Ride the Waves Now

If you’re ready to take your surfing to the next level, you’ll need to choose the best wetsuit for surfing. Use these 8 tips to help you make the best decision for your needs.

With the right wetsuit, you’ll be able to stay out longer, surf in colder conditions, and have a more comfortable experience overall. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and ride the wave!