How to Conduct an Accurate EMF Detection Test in Your Home


There are a lot of things to worry about these days, but did you know that it’s possible your home has potentially harmful rays in it right now? EMF exposure is something that not everyone is aware of, but it’s something you should be informed about.

If you are worried about EMF levels and you’d like to perform EMF testing in your home, this article will show you how. Read on for your complete guide to EMF detection now.

What are EMFs?

EMF is an acronym that stands for electromagnetic field. As a phenomenon, EMFs have existed since the beginning of time itself. Believe it or not, the sun was the first identified source of EMFs.

When the use of electricity became widespread in the world, scientists discovered electricity wires to also be sources of EMFs. Today seemingly harmless household items all produce various levels of EMFs. This includes things like WiFi routers, electric blankets, and microwaves.

Because of the presence of these EMFs in the home, many people are particularly vigilant about keeping track of EMF levels. That’s where EMF tests come in handy. You can measure both the frequency and the strength of an EMF.

Symptoms of EMF Exposure

When serious, EMF exposure can have serious health consequences. Symptoms of EMF exposure include headaches, insomnia, fatigue, depression, dizziness, and irritability—among others. If you suspect you’re suffering from EMF exposure, the best thing to do is perform an EMF test as soon as you can.

How to Conduct an Accurate EMF Test in Your Home

EMF testing requires specific protocols and specialized equipment. Frequencies are usually measured and read in units known as hertz. The strength of EMFs, on the other hand, is represented by milligauss which are units of magnetic flux density.

Now that you know the terminology let’s take a look at the equipment you’ll need to have on hand. To measure EMFs, you’ll need an EMF meter. You can see a good example of one right here.

You’ll need to walk around your entire home, taking the meter into each corner and getting a reading of all the different areas. To do this, you’ll want to walk at a slow pace while sweeping the EMF meter back and forth in front of you.

You can then look at the screen of your reader to see what it’s saying about the levels in a given place. It’s a good idea to take note of the areas with higher EMF levels, for your own reference.

The Importance of EMF Detection

If you’re nervous about EMF levels in your home, then it can be worth performing an EMF detection, if even just to put your mind at rest and rule out that possibility.

We hope this guide has helped you to understand more about EMFs and their presence in our daily lives. For more health and safety-related topics, check out the rest of our site.