This Is How to Switch to Homeschooling


Did you know that 67% of homeschooled students graduate from college? On average, home schooled students also take part in 5 activities outside of the home, too.

There are many homeschooling styles to fit different needs and schedules. Have you considered the benefits of homeschooling your child? Are you unsure how to switch to homeschooling from public schooling?

The following guide will explore how to start homeschooling and the advantages. Read on and discover if learning from home is right for your child.

What Is Homeschooling?

Homeschooling involves educating a school-aged child at home somewhere other than a school. The teaching is usually done by a parent, tutor, or online teacher. There are even international homeschooling programs.

Home education typically uses more personalized, less formal, and individualized learning techniques. Homeschooling practices range from very structured lessons to no curriculum at all.

How to Switch To Homeschooling

First, you’ll need to legally switch from public school to homeschool. The process varies from location to location and in different school systems.

There is usually a document or form available to remove your child from public schools. Check your local homeschooling laws to find the necessary forms for your area.

Many families choose to switch at the beginning of a new school year to make the transition easier. Although, switching to homeschooling mid-year is perfectly acceptable.

The timing of your homeschooling switch depends on your personal situation. Make sure to involve your child in the conversation and choose when they’d be comfortable.

There is no right or wrong age to start homeschooling a child. Some families consider pre-schooling at home a form of home education. When you think about it, you’ve been teaching your child since birth.

Others don’t consider it homeschooling a child is old enough for kindergarten. Either way, you can make the switch during elementary, middle, or high school depending on your circumstances.

Some homeschool families go through a deschooling phase. It helps the child transition from traditional school habits. In this case, switching mid-year wouldn’t be ideal.

Homeschooling Benefits

Homeschooling offers excellent academic flexibility. It’s beneficial for children both behind or ahead in their education. Home education works whether the child is outgoing, shy, gifted, or highly active.

Parents get to choose the pace and approach for their children. They set the schedule, grade level, learning method, lessons, and other requirements.

It allows more focus on a child’s mental and physical health. It’s a great option if your child struggles with peer pressure.

There are more opportunities for community activities, volunteering, and entrepreneurship. Homeschooling also eliminates busy work and wasted time.

Home education offers more time for kids to play, get outdoors, do projects, and do experiments.

Homeschooling works well for unique family situations. Examples include military families, traveling families, and families struggling with an illness.

Ready to Make the Switch?

Now you know how to switch to homeschooling and why it might be beneficial. Review local laws and always make sure your child is on board with the decision!

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