How Network Security Is Dead in This Digital Era?


The traditional IT security model is to build a wall around the corporate network to keep intruders away and allow access to people on the inside only. But over the last few years, this model is breaking down owing to networks losing their borders.

Computing today has become much more mobile. The pandemic has further accelerated this shift by making a shift to a remote workforce. It is now possible to work from anywhere in the world. All you have to do is subscribe to an internet service within the region.

For example, to avail the Cox bundles, simply call its customer service number and start using their internet deals. The same is the case with other ISPs.

What is Network Security?

It is the practice which helps to protect online data from outside breaches or threats. It helps protect personnel and business data and basically can be called as online security.

Types of Network Security

  • Software
  • Hardware
  • Cloud services

While remote working has its advantages in terms of convenience and cost-cutting, it also brings with itself major security risks and threats. No wonder the year 2020 saw a massive increase in cybersecurity breaches.

So, if perimeter-based network security is dead, what’s the solution for the future. Let’s have a look.

1#. Zero Trust Model

For network security to adapt to the changing technologies and emerging threats, companies are starting to explore or adopt the zero-trust model. According to this, you can neither trust anyone on the outside of your network nor the inside. This approach emphasizes verification from users that are trying to access data.

For this model to be effective, companies need to authenticate the staff and the roles they have. This means that people would only be able to access data and information that they are authorized to see. Picking an identity-centric approach and implementing it with tools that can support it can make this strategy work for security.

2#. Introduction of 5G Technology

5G marks a new era of network security with its IMSI encryption. All data transferred over the 5G radio network is encrypted and subject to mutual authentication. This fifth-generation cellular network can not only connect people, but objects and machines as well.

When you combine 5G with remote workforce and bring-our-own-device policies, it translates into more fluid workplace environments, cost-cutting, and improvements in performance and efficiency.

3#. Cloud-based Sandboxing

Sandboxing in the cloud involves the use of sandbox software in a virtual environment. This means when downloads, files or URLs are tested in the sandbox, they are separated from the computer or other network devices. Running potentially malicious files on your company or personal device directly can be risky.

Earlier on-premise sandboxing appliances were used to investigate threats without the data leaving your network. But with cloud deployments, the network can send suspicious files to the cloud-based service for investigation. Once they’ve been given a green signal, they can be opened on the company device.

Cloud-based sandboxing has several advantages over on-premise sandboxing. Firstly, it is not bound by geographical boundaries, secondly, it’s free of hardware limitations and most importantly it can inspect SSL traffic which is the most common malware hiding place. With the trends of remote workforce and BYOD gaining momentum, cloud sandboxing is the ideal solution for companies with a large network.

4#. Data-Centric Approach

In a constantly changing cyber landscape, it’s extremely important to guard your data against threats and take all precautions and steps for the purpose. Companies need to adopt policies that protect, organize and protect their data. There needs to be an increased focus on design, encryption and authentication.

5#. New Cloud-based solutions

Today hardware and software protection is not enough to safeguard your data against cyber-attacks. Since data has moved into the cloud, so should cyber security techniques. Cloud-based providers offer services including secure web gateways, VPNs, data loss prevention, SSL inspection, and much more. It is important to keep up with the latest inventions and tools in the field to stay a step ahead of cyber attackers.

6#. Advanced Authentication

Yes, it is extremely important to have unique, different and difficult to crack passwords. But that is not enough to guard yourself against cyber threats, especially when it comes to companies. The use of multi-factor authentication (MFA) cannot be overestimated in this regard.

So, incorporate it into your data access processes. For high-level data exchange, it’s best to include biometric methods and create multi-person approvals to go forward.

7#. Security Training & Education

According to research and surveys, the majority of security breaches occur because of people falling victim to social engineering attacks. They end up downloading malware, click infected links, or simply don’t make the effort to secure their devices. To prevent such situations, it is essential to educate and train your employees about security risks and illicit practices in the cyber world.

This would not only reduce the risk of cyber-attacks but also equip the staff to deal with unusual situations and mitigate the damage in case an attack is launched and systems are infected.


Cyber security practices must constantly evolve to deal with the increasingly dangerous attacks carried out by cyber criminals. It is hence imperative to be well-informed, vigilant, and equipped to protect sensitive data and maintain confidentiality.