7 Fitness Supplement Buying Mistakes and How to Avoid Them


About 95% of all New Year’s Resolutions are fitness-related. After just three months, however, only 10% of people think their resolutions will last. Without a plan and the right tools, you might not set yourself up for success.

Instead, consider buying supplements online as part of your fitness resolutions. The right supplements can help you accomplish your fitness goals.

Make sure to avoid these fitness supplement buying mistakes while shopping online first. Otherwise, you could put your health (and wallet) at risk.

Read on to discover how to start buying supplements online safely today.

  1. Not Outlining Your Goals

Before anything else, think about the fitness goals you want to accomplish this year. Write them down. For example, you might want to:

  • Focus on strength
  • Supplement nutritional gaps
  • Lose weight
  • Burn fat
  • Prepare for a marathon

Once you determine what goals you want to accomplish, you can determine what supplements you need.

If you make the mistake of neglecting to outline your goals, you could risk purchasing the wrong supplements. Taking the wrong supplements could put your health at risk. Beyond that, it could also slow down your timeline.

If you want to start gaining muscle and burning body fat, consider adding protein to your regimen. Whey protein powder could help improve your workout recovery times, too.

If you want to lose weight, improve brain function, and boost your stamina, consider l-carnitine. This supplement can also help you gain muscle.

You might want to consider branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), too. These include leucine, valine, and isoleucine. BCAAs can help with muscle growth, workout muscle recovery, and muscle maintenance.

They can help you lose fat and provide you with additional energy during workouts as well.

Creatine can help increase muscle mass and improve exercise performance. Magnesium can help improve your sleep quantity and energy levels, which can help with weight loss.

A few deer antler velvet benefits include:

  • Development of the skeletal system
  • Increased muscular development and strength
  • Improved flexibility and joint mobility
  • Increased muscle recovery
  • Anti-aging effects
  • Improved mental health
  • Increased energy and endurance
  • Improved general health

Outlining your goals will help you make healthy, informed decisions while buying supplements online.

  1. Failing to Visit a Doctor

If you want to avoid these fitness supplement buying mistakes, consult a doctor. Scheduling an appointment can also help you make smarter buying decisions. Otherwise, you could risk your health moving forward.

During your appointment, let your doctor know about your fitness goals for the year. Discuss any health problems you’ve encountered recently, too. Some of your symptoms might indicate a vitamin deficiency.

For example, iron-deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia. If your body doesn’t have enough iron, your body can’t get the oxygen it needs. Symptoms can include:

  • Weakness
  • General fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Pale skin
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness

These symptoms could impact your ability to accomplish your fitness goals.

Ask your doctor to run a blood panel for potential vitamin deficiencies. They’ll work with you to determine what fitness supplements you need.

During your visit, ask your doctor if they can recommend any brands. They could help you save valuable time while shopping online.

  1. Never Reading Labels

One of the biggest mistakes people make while buying supplements online is neglecting to read product labels.

You’ll likely come across a number of labels with attention-grabbing sales language and marketing imagery. Ignore that. Don’t believe everything you read.

Instead, look for any information regarding dosages, ingredients, and certifications.

For example, you’ll likely see certifications from the United States Pharmacopeia for the best brands. Look for certifications from NSF International and ConsumerLab.com, too.

These certifications will indicate you’re choosing products that meet the highest quality standards. These products meet manufacturing standards, too.

If you read any information about medical studies or research, verify everything.

Check the labels for any mentions of potential side effects, too.

Otherwise, look for a list of the ingredients and the expiration date.

  1. Neglecting Reviews

Before you start buying supplements online, learn from the shoppers before you. Read online customer reviews. Reviews can help you avoid making the mistakes other shoppers have made in the past.

For example, you might find comments that the website scammed previous buyers. Some buyers might complain that they received counterfeit supplements, too.

If you see one or two negative comments, that’s normal. If you find an abundance of negative reviews, however, remove that company from your list.

Check Supplement Reviews during your search. This website can help you learn more about the supplements you’re considering.

  1. Choosing Sketchy Sites

Take a look at each website before you start shopping, too.

First, check the footer. Look for contact information. If the site doesn’t allow you to contact the business, remove them from your list.

Check the footer for a privacy policy, too.

Next, check the URL. Look for a lock and “HTTPS” before the domain name. These factors indicate the site has the necessary security.

You can shop from these websites with peace of mind that they’re safe to use.

If a website doesn’t have an SSL certificate, don’t shop from that site. You could put your private details at risk.

  1. Not Considering Interactions

During your visit with the doctor, make sure you understand that some supplements can interact with others. Remember, visiting your doctor can help you avoid these fitness supplement buying mistakes.

Ask if you need to take specific supplements with or without food, too.

  1. Never Checking Prices

Finally, take the time to comparison shop. Comparing supplement prices will help you identify the average price for each supplement. Ignore any major discounts or deals that seem too good to be true.

Instead, trust your gut. If the price seems outrageously low, shop elsewhere.

Start Shopping: 7 Fitness Supplement Buying Mistakes to Avoid in 2022

Don’t make these seven fitness supplement buying mistakes while buying supplements online. Instead, remain vigilant. Learning to avoid these mistakes will turn you into a savvy shopper.

You can find the products you need to accomplish your fitness goals with ease.

Searching for more tips? We can help.