5 Creative Ways to Boost College Enrollment


Are you looking for creative ways to attract new students this year? Do you have some ideas but aren’t sure if they’ll appeal to high school graduates?

There are more than 5,000 universities & colleges in the US. That’s a lot of options in a highly competitive market.

It’s not always easy to get students excited about going to college. If you want to improve your options, here’s a guide to boosting your college enrollment this year.

Go Mobile

Digital recruitment messaging is often created on a desktop, neglecting the mobile device user. Most people use their phones or tablets to do their research, so it’s crucial to design your marketing to read well on smaller screens.

Focusing on smaller devices will streamline the experience for the user, and they will stay on your site longer. These sites are ranked higher by search engines. They will also load more quickly, and your students won’t need to zoom or scroll to read the content.

Focus on the Students Needs

When you know your customer, it’s easier to provide them with helpful information to make their decision. Students want to see how a college education will benefit them.

College marketing techniques often focus on how great the campus is, but students might want more information about the future of their field of study.

As students begin their search, they may be interested in broad topics related to their chosen career. Consider what they might be asking about the field of study.

As they narrow their search, they might want information about how their career relates to current events and how they might directly impact the future.

Host Events at Local High Schools

Even though digital marketing is one way to get the word out, prospective college students still appreciate in-person interaction, and a great way to connect with them is at their high school.

Traditional college recruitment activities are still valuable. You can generate interest at job fairs and provide helpful information to people that might not understand what they need to do to apply for college admission.

Create Virtual Campus Tours

Many students explore the websites of various colleges. One great way to give them a taste of your campus is to host a virtual campus tour. Many students prefer to watch an engaging video over reading a blog post.

Add Digital Marketing to Your Toolbox

It’s important to expand your social media reach to ensure you are connecting with students online. Newer platforms such as TikTok are trendy and are a great way to allow students to see the college experience first hand. Find ways to improve your SEO for higher education results.

A college can use live videos to showcase live events that might include sports games and lectures. Influencers are great college ambassadors. Your alumni can provide first-hand accounts of their experience as a valuable way to promote your brand.

Improve College Enrollment With Ease

Each year, the needs and expectations of prospective students changes. You can showcase your campus and increase college enrollment when you expand your recruitment activities.

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